Draw from the power of the Cloud for flexibility, scalability and a dynamic eco-system integration, running securely in your private Cloud.

Legal and Regulatory Guidelines

Cloud services enable innovation in products and services. The specialised EdgeXperience Cloud infrastructure provider ensures security, performance and auditability for your own and your customers banking environment. We follow the legal and regulatory recommendations of the Swiss Bankers Association’s Cloud Guidelines. These guidelines are a collection of non-legally binding recommendations for banks and cloud providers on the procurement and use of cloud services, including Governance, Data Processing, Authorities and Proceedings, Service Audits.

Innovation, Agility and Time-to-Market

The Cloud Nativ approach of EdgeXperience dramatically reduces time-to-market and increases agility and flexibility for new innovative products and services. New technical developments in Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence are available without huge up-front investments in Hard- and Software. Real-time analysis of big data pools (data lakes) are available on-demand and enable tailored services and product positioning via your digital channels.

Speed and Transparency

The EdgeXperience Cloud based development, testing and production migration environments (DevOps) greatly increase time-to-market and dramatically reduce cost and effort. A dedicated EdgeXperience Sand-Box environment allows customers and partners to try out, improve and, if necessary, discard new business ideas with ease, speed and at minimal cost.

The Cloud Native approach provides full cost transparency across all infrastructure, platform and application layers and allows pay-per-use charging for full scalability.

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